WHY DID CHRIST DIE? PART 2 ****READ**** John 6:44- Predestination is exclusive of any merits we might have and is totally through God's soverign will. ****READ**** Romans 9:23- "He selects" does NOT show discrimination! Keep in mind that we are ALL sinners and GOD has EVERY RIGHT to treat His rebellious creations in the manner that HE pleases. WE SHOULD NOT BE SO AMAZED THAT GOD WITHOLDS MERCY FROM SOME -- WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL AND AMAZED THAT HE SHOULD SHOW GRACE AND MERCY TO ANY!!!! The purpose that the Bible teaches us about ELECTION and PREDESTINATION is to show that SALVATION is ALL from God and cannot be won, or earned or received by any action or doing on our part. SALVATION is GIVEN! By showing an ELECTION before the world began, God shows and tells us, graphically, that our SALVATION is ETERNAL and CERTAIN (Secure). A skeptic says, "If I am elected then I'll get into Heaven, anyway - if I'm not elected then there's no use trying!". God ELECTED, and ONLY GOD knows WHO is elected. Until we come into His Kingdom, we do NOT KNOW if we are among the chosen - But I do know that NO ONE in HELL will ever be able to say, "I wanted to be saved, but my name was on the wrong list!". FOREKNOWLEDGE IS NOT FORE-ORDINATION OR FORE-ELECTION.... o JUSTIFICATION This can be paraphrased, "Just as if I'd NEVER sinned" but is far more that just an Acquittal of sins. It actually means that we are RIGHTEOUS before God. Justification is OBJECTIVE in that it does not make us "personally" righteous but declares us righteous in a LEGAL sense to make right our relationship with God. Christ's death in our place satisfied the claims of God's holy law against our sins ****READ**** Romans 5:8,9 Christ's perfect obedience (Romans 5:19) gave us the example we are to follow, but we are reminded of faith in His atonement. IT ISN'T SALVATION BY WHAT WE CAN DO BUT BY WHAT GOD HAS DONE!!! o SANCTIFICATION Š This is the PROCESS of being saved. It is the PROCESS (continual action) of becoming more holy. The actual meaning is "set aside" or "holy". The word SAINT uses the same root word, and helps us understand a little more of what we are to be in the process of... -Justification is our standing before God and is instantaneous -Sanctification has to do with our character and lifestyle and daily lives and is continual in nature. ****READ*** I Corinthians 6:11 Galatians 5:16 & 22,23 o GLORIFICATION ****READ**** I John 3:2 and I Thessalonians 5:9 - This is the "FUTURE" part of SALVATION. - o JUSTIFICATION - we are SAVED from the PENALTY of sin. - o SANCTIFICATION - we are SAVED from the POWER of sin - o GLORIFICATION - we are to be REMOVED from the PRESENCE of sin. SECURITY OF OUR SALVATION o The HOLY SPIRIT places us in the BODY OF CHRIST as told to us in I Corinthians 12:13, and no scripture even hints that removal from the body is possible! o The HOLY SPIRIT seals us as told in Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30 until redeption. The seal would have to be broken to remove salvation, and this is not scriptural. o Father's purpose is to KEEP US as told in John 10:28-30 to present us FAULTLESS before His THRONE. o In Romans 8:29,30 the past tense of a future event PROVES the CERTAINTY of SALVATION. SALVATION TAKES US OUT OF THE MIRE AND PUTS US INTO THE CHOIR SALVATION MAY COME QUIETLY BUT WE CANNOT BE QUIET ABOUT IT ****** END OF TEXT ******